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Why Dean Martin Refused to Attend JFK’s 1961 Inauguration

Dean Martin Stands Up for Sammy Davis Jr. Amid 's Decision

The Rat Pack, known for their strong bond both on and off the screen, faced a setback when not all members were invited to John F. Kennedy's 1961 inauguration.

According to director Tom Donahue and Martin's daughter, Deana Martin, Dean Martin received an invitation while Sammy Davis Jr. did not.

The reason behind Davis' exclusion was his recent marriage to the white Swedish actress May Britt.

, concerned about potential backlash from Southerners, decided to keep the interracial couple away from the big day.

Upon hearing the news that Davis would not be attending the inauguration, Dean Martin reacted strongly.

Donahue revealed, “Sammy Davis Jr. helped to get JFK elected, and then JFK and his campaign decided to pay Sammy back by not allowing him to go to the inauguration because he was part of an interracial marriage.”

Martin stood up for his friend, stating that he would not participate in the inauguration if Sammy wasn't invited.

Donahue expressed his admiration, saying, “That really impressed me.

He had a sense of honor.

The more I got to know Dean Martin the man, the more I grew to truly love and admire him.”

Deana Martin added that her father was astonished by the news and viewed Davis as family.

She said, “He came to our house.

He was family.

So it was pretty remarkable.

My dad was going to take a stand because it was the right thing to do.

It didn't matter what JFK or anyone else was going to think of him.

This is Sammy Davis Jr., and that was his friend.

And for family to not be invited for those reasons made my father very upset.

He just said, ‘It's not right.

I'm not going.'

And that was it.

He wouldn't think about it anymore.”

Sammy Davis Jr.'s autobiography “Why Me?”

delved into this story in 1989, and now the Turner Classic Movies documentary “Dean Martin: King of Cool” will further explore the incident.

The documentary aims to provide an in-depth look into Martin's career, his role as a family man to his eight children – Craig, Dean, Ricci, Gina, Claudia, Gail, Deana, and Sasha – as well as his untimely death.

“Dean Martin: King of Cool” is set to premiere on November 19 at 8 p.m. on TCM.

Viewers can expect a comprehensive exploration of Martin's life and legacy.

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