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Hollywood news

Will Smith’s Refusal to Kiss Co-Star: A Look Back at His Early Acting Days

Back in the early 1990s, before became the renowned Box Office King we know today, he was a budding actor striving to establish himself beyond the realm of rap music.

In 1993, Smith embarked on his first movie role in “Six Degrees of Separation,” portraying a gay con artist who cons a well-to-do couple in New York's elite society.

While critics praised Smith's performance, behind the scenes, reports surfaced that his co-stars were less than impressed with his conduct on set.

It was widely reported that Smith declined to partake in a kissing scene with his co-star Anthony Michael Hall during filming.

Years later, the star of “Bad Boys” expressed regret over his decision, admitting that it was a display of immaturity on his part.

Reflecting on his choice in a candid interview with Entertainment Weekly in December 1993, Smith acknowledged, “It was very immature on my part.”

He disclosed that he sought advice from Hollywood icon Denzel Washington, who straightforwardly advised him, “Don't be kissing no man.”

Smith confessed that he was concerned about how his friends back in Philadelphia would perceive the scene, indicating his lack of emotional readiness to fully commit to that aspect of the film.

The actor known for his roles in “Hancock” emphasized, “I wasn't emotionally stable enough to artistically commit to that aspect of the film…

This was a valuable lesson for me.

Either you do it, or you don't.”

Despite the passage of time, Smith continues to reflect on this pivotal moment in his career and the impact it had on his growth as an artist.

In a revealing interview with Time Out London, Smith's co-star Ian McKellen disclosed that he confronted Smith regarding his reluctance to perform the scripted kiss.

McKellen praised Smith's talent and charisma but noted that he made a misstep by refusing to engage in the on-screen kiss, which was an integral part of the storyline.

Recalling an early preview of the movie, McKellen shared that he took matters into his own hands

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