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Hollywood news

Christopher Reeve’s Widow Passes Away, Entrusting Son to Trusted Friends

The widow of the late Christopher Reeve, Danna Reeve, made a heartfelt plea on her deathbed that her son, Will, be raised by close friends in New York State rather than family members.

Dana succumbed to lung cancer on March 6, 2006, just 17 months after her husband’s passing.

Dr. Charles Morisini, Dana’s father, wholeheartedly endorsed her decision.

Morisini, residing in New Hampshire, supported the idea that 13-year-old Will should remain undisturbed in his current environment in Bedford, New York.

He believed that Will would benefit from maintaining stability and continuity in his life.

The doctor elaborated on his stance, emphasizing that Dana had carefully chosen trusted friends to care for Will.

The arrangement included a boy slightly older than Will and a 17-year-old girl, creating a familial environment for Will with siblings and friends.

This setup allowed Will to continue attending the same school, living in the same neighborhood, and nurturing his existing friendships.

The decision to entrust Will’s care to friends stemmed from Dana’s desire to ensure his well-being and familiarity during a challenging period following her passing.

The support and understanding received from their network of friends played a crucial role in easing the transition for Will after losing both his

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