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Hollywood news

Lana Del Rey: Debunking the Myth of ‘Sleeping Her Way to the Top’

In a recent interview featured in the August edition of Complex magazine, , the 28-year-old singer, addressed the misconceptions surrounding her song “F****d My Way Up to the Top” from her second album, Ultra Violence.

Despite the suggestive title of the track, Del Rey was quick to clarify that her success in the music industry was not attributed to any romantic liaisons with industry insiders.

Acknowledging her candid lyrics, Del Rey revealed, “You know, I have had relationships with numerous individuals within the industry, but it's important to note that none of them played a role in securing my record deals, which can be frustrating at times.”

This statement adds to a series of controversial remarks made by the Video Games singer during the promotional campaign for her latest album.

Earlier this year, Del Rey stirred up a minor uproar by expressing in an interview with the Guardian her desire to die young, a sentiment that prompted Frances Cobain, daughter of the late Kurt Cobain, to urge artists to refrain from glorifying premature death on social media platforms.

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