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Lana Del Rey Opens Up About Personal Life in Revealing Interview

has been making headlines recently due to the success of her latest album, Ultraviolence, which has garnered positive feedback from critics.

The talented pop star graces the cover of Complex magazine, where she delves into a wide range of topics in a detailed interview now available online.

While some insights revolve around her creative process, the differences between Brooklyn and L.A., and the new album, others offer a deeper look into her personal life.

In the interview with writer Dana Droppo, Del Rey confesses her indulgences in guilty pleasures such as cigarettes (admitting to being a chain smoker), sugar, and coffee.

She reveals, “I must have 13 cups a day.

It's regrettable due to the health implications, but many wonderful moments happen over coffee and a cigarette.

Many great songs were born from those moments.”

The 27-year-old singer also acknowledges having been romantically involved with several men in the music industry, clarifying that it did not influence her path to securing record deals.

When questioned about the meaning behind her song “F***ed My Way Up to the Top,” Del Rey explains, “It's a form of commentary, indicating ‘I am aware of the perceptions about me,' and I hint at that.

I acknowledge that I have had relationships with numerous men in the industry, but none of them played a role in helping me obtain my record deals, which can be frustrating.”

While the authenticity of her statements remains uncertain, Del Rey is known for embodying a distinctive persona, which has polarized opinions among genuine music enthusiasts.

Nevertheless, if her words hold true, her transparency is commendable.

For those interested in learning more, the complete and revealing interview can be

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