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Sean Connery’s Battle with Dementia Revealed by Wife

In an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, Micheline Roquebrune disclosed the challenges her husband faced in battling dementia, describing it as a debilitating condition that greatly impacted him.

Roquebrune expressed, “It was a difficult existence for him.

Towards the end, he struggled to communicate effectively.

Fortunately, his passing occurred peacefully in his sleep.”

She further revealed that Connery's ultimate desire to depart quietly was granted, stating, “He passed away without any commotion, just as he had hoped.

I was by his side throughout, and he slipped away serenely.

It was what he had wished for.”

Married for over four decades, Roquebrune fondly reminisced about their life together, highlighting Connery's remarkable character and the profound bond they shared.

She acknowledged the impending challenge of moving forward without him, recognizing the inevitability of his peaceful departure.

Jason, Connery's son, confirmed to The Associated Press that his father passed away in his sleep in the Bahamas, where he resided, following a period of declining health.

Reflecting on the loss, Jason conveyed, “It is a sorrowful day for all who were touched by my dad's presence and a poignant moment for fans worldwide who cherished his exceptional talent as an actor.”

The news of Connery's demise prompted an outpouring of tributes from renowned figures like , , and Michael Bay, who

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